Monday, September 22, 2014

Family Pictures

 My sweet friend Jenny took these family pictures of us while she was back from AZ last week and I am literally OBSESSED with how amazing they turned out!! We were in need of some family pictures that weren't on my tripod timer and just with someone else in charge made it so easy, plus Char loves Jenny and so it was easy to get her to smile walking around at one of her favorite parks! 
Can't wait to frame some of these, I love my little family.
Thank you J!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

One whole month of Baby E

This little girl is one month has been a crazy month of no sleep, nursing issues, and LOTS of cuddles.  I wouldn't trade it for the world though and we love E more and more every day.  She has amazing head control and can stand for 2-5 seconds at a time already.  She is cooing a little bit, and we have gotten quite a few smiles out of her.  She loves to eat, and is eating 2-3 ounces every 2-4/5 hours.  She isn't really on any type of schedule yet, but that is okay with me because she is still so little to me! Her hair cracks me up, she has a major widows peak, and WAY more hair then her big sister already.  She actually loves tummy time, and is such a snuggler and wants to cuddle all day long if we let her (which I do pretty much haha).  Whenever she hears Char's voice she will turn her head towards her and usually will smile or calm down right away.  
We love you Elle!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunflower Sunday

 Is there anything prettier then sunflowers? I just love them, and we finally found a field of them which has been my dream for like 3 years!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Life Lately

 We have been crazy busy lately, well not really but I was starting to feel really busy with two kids, and Russ working a lot.  But now we have sort of a rhythm going and it has been going a lot better.  I am still lucky if I can get out of the house before 11 am but its getting easier.  My mom has been BEYOND helpful, she will take C in the mornings sometimes when I have had a rough night of being up a lot feeding Elle.  We have had a rough start with nursing, she would latch but only sometimes, other times she would just cry and cry and so then I would get frustrated and just make her a bottle (pumped breast milk and sometimes supplemental formula) but I am happy to say the past week we have done 90% of her feedings by nursing.  I am so proud of myself because with C we never had that experience, and I promised myself I would give it a month with E and if it was just too hard on me I would just pump or think about other options.  It will be a month on Saturday (it went so fast holy crap) and I think we made it, nobody tells you how freaking hard breastfeeding is going to be or that your baby might not latch after you are engorged, or if she does then she might be the slowest eater ever in life and it takes an hour each feeding, or you might have problems with your supply.   Needless to say I am proud of us and myself because I did not think I would make it.  I have cried, and almost given up SO many times but I think I can honestly say that I want to keep going and that I actually enjoy it now! 
Charlotte is adjusting SO well to being a big sister, she absolutely LOVES Elle and whenever she is awake she will come up to her and say "Hiiii babyyy I just LOVE youuu" its so sweet and then she will tell me that Elle's eyes are open and she is SO happy.  I seriously lucked out, Char is awesome at being a big sister, and she hasn't been throwing as many tantrums and is being super flexible.

Monday, September 1, 2014


 My weekend consisted of snuggles, nursing, and trying to find a sunflower field. We never did find a sunflower field but it was a pretty great weekend anyhow, I am seriously going to miss Russ when he goes back to work tomorrow! I plan on venturing out with both girls tomorrow (with my mom too probably) and going on a long walk.  I cannot wait until I can go running again, I lost all my baby weight except for 7 lbs so 2.5 weeks post partum I would consider that a win! I need to definitely walk a ton more, and that will get me ready for running in 4 weeks!
Russ took these pictures today during nap time, and I know I will keep them forever.  I usually just wear my hair in a top knot these days, and do minimal make up, so I love that this just captures how we are right now in life.  I love baby snuggles, and this little bean gives the BEST, she sleeps the best right next to me and Russ, in the middle of the night after she nurses I usually just keep her in bed with us and that is when she sleeps the longest.