Thursday, March 27, 2014

Its a.....

I wanted to announce it in a really cute way, but I got lazy and just couldn't wait any longer and put it on facebook after telling all of our family and friends....we are having another baby GIRL!!!!!
We couldn't be happier, and are so excited to welcome another beautiful baby girl to our family.  
I knew it was a girl, I had a feeling about it.  The ultrasound went well, ten fingers, ten toes, everything is healthy and looks great.  They waited until literally the LAST second to tell us it was a girl.  I was having nervous sweats, and my heart was beating so hard.  Baby girl was stubborn and had her legs up so we couldn't see anything.  Yesterday I definitely went to baby Gap and got 3 of the sweetest little outfits for baby sister, and me and my mom are heading to the carter's outlet again on Tues to stock up on onesies! We have all the stuff we need for this baby except NB-9 month clothes, so we are doing pretty great! Also I want to find a dresser too but that can wait a little bit.  I am just BEYOND excited and cannot wait to meet this little one.  The hubs is excited too and is officially out numbered.  He loves it.  
I am feeling pretty great, just really tired and my hips are hurting a lot but other then that? I cannot complain!
We can't wait to meet you Baby girl! 

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